确保食品质量,真实性和安全性给食品生产者带来了许多挑战。 无论是出于法规,还是客户出于保护品牌的动机,原材料,环境和制成品的检测对食品制造商而言都变得越来越重要。 在过去十年中,人们日益关注的问题之一是食品中是否存在微量残留物和污染物,例如过敏原或霉菌毒素。 我们的自动化ELISA工作站微孔板读数仪可以帮助您将注意力集中在提供消费者期望的安全和高质量食品上。


Sedium R&D BSA ELISA kit with the Crocodile Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity of samples tested with the Crocodile miniWorkstation and Bovine Serum Albumin ELISA Kit from Sedium R&D

PDF | 356.9 KB

Bioo Maxsignal® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA Test Kit with the Crocodile Automation of the Bioo Maxsignal® Aflatoxin M1 ELISA Test Kit using the Crocodile miniWorkstation

PDF | 385.5 KB


兽医科学有助于通过牲畜健康监测和治疗来维持食品供应,对农民和食品生产者在经济上都具有重要意义。 它还通过监视和控制人畜共患疾病来帮助保护人类健康。 我们的自动化ELISA工作站可对从牲畜到血清,牛奶及其他范围的各种样品类型进行有效检测。


IDEXX Milk Pregnancy Test with the Crocodile miniWorkstation Automation of the IDEXX Milk Pregnancy Test using the Crocodile

PDF | 352.5 KB

Repeatability and Reproducibility of PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA using the Crocodile Repeatability and Reproducibility of tests run on the Crocodile miniWorkstation using PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA from Prionics AG

PDF | 108.1 KB

Analytical sensitivity using PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA with the Crocodile Analytical sensitivity of samples tested with the Crocodile miniWorkstation in comparison to hand processing using PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA from Prionics AG

PDF | 380.5 KB

Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity of PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA using Crocodile Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity of samples tested with the Crocodile miniWorkstation and PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA from Prionics AG

PDF | 93.8 KB

Repeatability and Reproducibility of PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA using the Crocodile Repeatability and Reproducibility of tests run on the Crocodile miniWorkstation using PrioCHECK® Toxoplasma Ab porcine ELISA from Prionics AG

PDF | 108.1 KB


如今,ELISA是临床研究以及临床医学中使用最广泛的技术之一。 借助ELISA技术,可以在临床相关样本(例如血清,尿液等)中检测蛋白质,病毒,低分子化合物(例如激素,毒素和杀虫剂)。 使用Crocodile ELISA工作站进行自动化ELISA分析,可轻松加载,全自动处理和读取,简化了您的工作流程,涵盖了方法的全过程。


Enzo APP ΔC31 ELISA with the Crocodile Automation of the Enzo APP ΔC31 ELISA using the Crocodile miniWorkstation

PDF | 355.8 KB

Demeditec Cortisol free in Saliva ELISA kit with the Crocodile Automation of the Demeditec Cortisol free in Saliva ELISA kit using the Crocodile ELISA miniWorkstation

PDF | 548.5 KB

Invitron Intact Proinsulin ELISA using the Crocodile Automation of the Invitron Intact Proinsulin ELISA using the Crocodile miniWorkstation

PDF | 134.9 KB

Serotonin ELISA from DLD Diagnostika using the Crocodile Automation of the DLD Diagnostika Serotonin ELISA using the Crocodile miniWorkstation

PDF | 424.6 KB